The Broadway Flyer: October 2024
Welcome back to The Broadway Flyer! Curtis Koch here with the October edition, and train season is officially in full swing. Hard to believe 2025 is just around the corner—so let’s dive right into some exciting new product announcements, update you on some projects, and give you a glimpse into some future projects in both HO & N scale. First, let's recap our new product announcements for October!
HO Scale GP35's and Big Boys!
Our popular EMD GP35's are back and with new paint schemes!
In our third production run, we are modeling 8 railroads with 9 prototypically accurate road numbers and paint schemes.
List of individually controllable lights in our EMD GP35 models:
- Headlight
- Rear Light
- Numberboard Lights (Front & Rear)
- Front Classification Lights
- Rear Classification Lights
- Rotary Beacon (where appropriate)
- Ditch Lights (where appropriate)
- Cab Light
Road-specific detail options that are prototypically accurate for each road name:
- Truck sideframes
- Dynamic brake hatch
- Open & closed type fans
- Short hood detail arrangement
- Long hood end detail arrangement
- High short hood option where accurate
- Horn type and location
- Bell location
- Multiple front pilot types
- Multiple rear pilot types
- Accurate cut lever types
- MU receptacle arrangement
- Multiple sunshade options
- Antenna type and location
- Wind deflector type
- Rotary beacon type and location
All models are available with our Paragon4 Sound/DC/DCC control system featuring Rolling Thunder. We also will be offering these locomotives in our Stealth series. These models are DCC-Ready with the ability to add your preferred choice of after market decoder.
The order deadline for the GP35's is December 19th with an expected delivery of June 2025. You can find more information about the Paragon4 locomotives here. You can find more information about the Stealth locomotives here.
Our Big Boy's have returned! This time we have updated several details to match locomotive 4014 on it's current modern day tour! See the callout image below pointing out the details of the model.
The second version is Big Boy #4019 with experimental smoke deflectors. During the winter of 1944/1945, the railroad experimented the smoke deflectors on the Big Boy to determine if it improved crew visibility with smoke. Ultimately the railroad decided it was not necessary. We have accurately modeled this version of 4019 with the assistance of the Union Pacific Historical Society. Below are 3D renders of the model. With these being early renders, details are still subject to change.
The order deadline for the this production run of Big Boys is March 6th, 2025 with an expected delivery of Fall 2025. You can find out more about the Paragon4 version of these Big Boys here. You can find out more about the Stealth Big Boys here.
Finally, for those of you who are Conductor's Club members, our members only locomotives for 2025 are official! We are offering several exclusive schemes of the popular GE ES44AC in both HO and N scale. You MUST be a Conductor's Club member in order to purchase these locomotives.
Wondering about the prices on these incredible locomotives? We've got great news! If you're looking to pick up the Paragon4 sound version, the HO scale model is priced at just $199.99, and the N scale model is only $149.99. For those of you who prefer the Stealth series, the HO Stealth units are an unbeatable $129.99, while the N scale units are just $99.99! Don’t miss out on these amazing deals! Just like the first round of exclusive locomotives, we are requiring a deposit down to reserve yours, then when the models arrive in December 2025, we will collect the remainder of your balance.
You have until May 16th, 2025 to get your order in for these locomotives. For those of you who are ordering Stealth, there is NO condition placed on Stealth orders. Meaning you won't have to worry about wondering whether or not they will be built, they will be built!
Below are some 3D renders of the club locomotives, these are early renders and details are subject to change.
When is the next announcement?
Our next product announcement will come at Train Fest in Milwaukee Wisconsin! Ken Silvestri and I will be on hand at the Baird Center to share the exciting news and answer all your questions in regards to the announcements!
We can't share what they are yet, but we can share that they will be not one, not two, but three BRAND new HO scale projects! We're really excited for you to get your hands on these models.
N scalers, we understand you might be feeling left out, below is an update on a few projects we are working on. Most of our N scale projects are being worked on right now.
N Scale Cab Forwards: Our designers have these models next on their list after a few other projects get completed first. We have all the data needed. Once the designers start it should take around 4-5 weeks for them to give us the "first draft" of the CAD drawings. These Cab Forwards are AC4/AC5 types.
N Scale EMD GP30's: Same as the Sharknose locomotives, we are nearly done to the designs. We are working on getting the locomotives more road specific details for a few road names. We hope to announce these before the end of the year.
N Scale EMD GP35's: We have the data for these locomotives but we have not begun the design process. We most likely will begin these next month.
N Scale UP FEF's: The FEF's designs are also nearly complete. We don't have any plans of an announcement date at this time but we will soon!
In The News:
Our friend Jimmy at DIY and Digital Railroad showed off two of his latest purchases in N scale, our CSX AC6000 and our CSX B&O Heritage ES44. These models are in stores now so contact your dealer if you're looking to add some modern day diesels to your fleet!
Our friends at The Steam Channel had the opportunity to get a sneak peak at two upcoming projects, the diecast metal EMD SD70ACe, and the PRR Brass-Hybrid Q2 Duplex. Both of these locomotives should arrive in the next week or two. They are both currently in transit from the factory.
In our newest YouTube video, I showed off our early pre-production samples of our HO Scale Union Pacific "Kenefick" Business Car. I also demonstrated how to use the touch point lighting features. The lighting features DO NOT require a decoder, and allows modelers the opportunity to completely customize their lighting experience.
If there is one layout that should be on everyone's bucket list, it's the Colorado Model Railroad Museum! Mark Huber (Hyce on YouTube) paid a visit running his Paragon4 Big Boy and excursion consist!
Finally, the last piece of video for you to watch was James Wright getting a quick sneak peak at our pre-production sample of our "Kenefick" Business Car!
Order Deadlines:
We've got some order deadlines approaching in the coming months! Below are reminders for a few of them. Please note that we at BLI will fill orders placed after the guaranteed delivery date on a first-come, first-served basis, while supplies last. It's important to place your pre-order with your favorite dealer if you want one of the models below. We often get emails and calls from customers looking for specific models, only to find that we are sold out and they've missed out on that particular run.
Below are the following projects with upcoming order deadlines.
HO Scale Stealth PRR S1 Duplex: November 7th
N Scale Paragon4 AT&SF Northerns: November 14th
N Scale Stealth AT&SF Northerns: November 14th
HO Scale Paragon4 Baldwin Sharknose: November 14th
N Scale Paragon4 EMD SD40-2: November 26th
N Scale Stealth EMD SD40-2: November 26th
Samples, Renders, and Updates:
We got some samples of our EMD GP30! Pictured below is our sample of Reading 5513. These locomotives should arrive in the next week or two.
Are you a fan of the Chicago Burlington and Quincy? Are you looking for some sleek streamlined passenger locomotives? Or maybe you just like pieces of equipment in museums? Hopefully you answered "yes" to one or more of these questions.
(PHOTO: CB&Q 9911A shoves the Nebraska Zephyr down the Illinois Railway Museum mainline. The Steam Channel photo used with permission)
We are working on the CB&Q EMD E5 diesel! The 3D CAD Drawings you see below are the first drawings of these locomotives. There are going to be numerous revisions between now, and when we officially announce these models.
Last month we shared that we were awaiting the first drafts of the un-streamlined C&NW Pacifics. The streamlined versions are done. Well this month, we can share with you that we have our first rough draft of the un-streamlined locomotives below! We are modeling an early version and a later version. The later version, pictured below, hauled commuter trains. Notice the mars light in front of the smoke stack an the generator in front of the cab on top of the boiler.
We want to extend a big thanks to the folks at the C&NW Historical Society for their help in providing data for the models and providing feedback on these locomotives.
Now for some N scale teases! Many of you have been asking about N scale Sharknose diesels, here are a few screenshots of the PRR and B&O versions of these locomotives. The designs are nearly complete and we plan to announce these at some point in the near future.
(Photos: PRR Sharks above, B&O Sharks below)
In addition to the Sharks, we are also nearly done with our N scale Kenefick designs! We plan on including both the shield and drumhead railings. These cars will also come with multiple lighting features with the use of a wand. The drumheads will sport the artwork of "The Big Boy Tour", "George Bush Funeral Train", and "Spirit of Union Pacific".
Delivery Schedule:
We are currently modifying our delivery schedule so bare with us as we make those changes. A few things that are noteworthy is the factory that makes our diesels has delaed several HO and N scale projects are seeing further delays. Projects that are delayed include the Diecast Metal SD70ACe's in HO scale, N Scale F-Units, and N scale E-Units. We apologize for the delays. We know it's frustrating. We are continuing to work with the factory to try and get your models in your hands as soon as possible.
Below is our most updated Delivery Schedule
Model Name: | Stealth Version: | Expected Delivery: | To Guarantee Delivery, Order By: |
Customer Q&A:
The last section of The Broadway Flyer is our customer Q&A! This month, we're starting with questions that were emailed to us. If you'd like to send your question via email, reach out at info@broadway-limited.com. Just be sure your subject line reads "Question for The Broadway Flyer."
Q: "Do you plan on offering more holiday-themed rolling stock or locomotives?" - Gavin via email
A: We're open to it! Christmas remains the most popular holiday fantasy scheme we see demand for. However, we could consider offering other cars in holiday fantasy schemes—if not in a first production run, perhaps in a second or third.
Q: "What's the most common question your service department gets?" - Jason via email
A: Our service team receives a lot of questions! The two most common are, "Where is the reset button on my locomotive?" and "Where should I lubricate my locomotive?" For the reset button, Paragon2, Paragon3, and Paragon4 locomotives are reset by pressing the button on the end of the electronics board. On steam locomotives, this is inside the tender. Click here for an image of the button (Paragon2 decoder shown; Paragon3 and Paragon4 use the same button and procedure).
For lubrication, yes, you should apply plastic-compatible oil to specific points on the model when you hear squeaking. For steam engines, oil all side-rod joints and axle ends when squeaking occurs. For diesel locomotives, apply Conducta-Lube to the axle ends between the wheel and plastic truck, which eliminates squeaking where the axle meets the metal pickup bar in the truck.
Sometimes, applying grease to the gear tower of steam and diesel models is also necessary, especially after extended use. Follow instructions in your manual or contact our customer service team at 386-673-8900 or via the online form at Contact Technical Support.
More answers to frequently asked questions can be found on our website’s FAQ page.
Q: "In your upcoming run of GS-4 locomotives, would you consider GS-6s like number 4460 in St. Louis?" - Gavin via email
A: We would love to do the GS-6 locomotives. They’re on our radar, though we haven’t started gathering data for the design process yet. When we attended the St. Louis RPM meet this year, we did take reference photos of 4460.
Q: "Have you thought about making a Camelback or the Western Pacific Mikados like 334 (the ones with the Elesco feedwater heater)?" - Issa via email
A: Of the two, we’ve only explored Camelback locomotives. Like the GS-6s, we haven’t begun data gathering. If we pursue them, it may be a few years—no guarantees on when we could start.
Q: "Will there be a rerun of the NYC Mohawks? I’d love to see more NYC locomotives." - Jamie on Facebook
A: We’re considering it! The announcement of 3001’s restoration is really exciting! While we haven’t started the process, we’d love to work with the Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society on creating a model and supporting the restoration. Supporting groups like theirs whenever we can is always a goal.
Q: "Can Stealth circuit boards be purchased for older N scale Paragon models?" - Justin on Facebook
A: Unfortunately, no. The boards won’t work with older models due to differences in PCB boards, LEDs, and other components.
Q: "Any chance of adding the Pennsy Q1 Duplex to the lineup?" - Thomas on Facebook
A: We haven’t ruled out the Q1! However, we haven’t started designing or gathering data on it. When we do, we’ll reach out to PRRT&HS for assistance.
Q: "What about a ‘middle class’ Mikado? Most options out there are USRA types. Tremont and Gulf had one perfect for small to mid-sized layouts, and it’s still operational! It shares a shop with T&P 610." - Michael on Facebook
A: We’re open to similar models. Most of our customers request road-specific steam locomotives from major railroads, many with unique styles and dimensions. If multiple major railroads used the same Mikado type, it’s more likely we’d consider it. Our primary focus, however, is on road-specific steam locomotives.
Q: "Will you eventually release the entire UP passenger fleet as it is today, now that you’ve done the Kenefick car and teased the power and Fox River cars?" - Kenneth on Facebook
A: It’s possible! We likely won’t dive into diners, domes, baggage cars, and sleepers, as these have been done many times. Other cars—such as certain power cars, tool cars, and business observation cars—are strong possibilities. Observation cars 101, 102, 103, and 114 are designed, and we plan to announce one or two in the future.
Q: "How does Broadway Limited ship products to market, especially with the recent longshoreman strike? Do products go to a Florida port?" - Edmund on Facebook
A: Great question! Once production is complete, our factory arranges for pickup and delivery to a port or cargo airport. Models ship to Los Angeles, go through customs, and then reach a UPS warehouse for dealer distribution. If a project is delayed, we may opt to fly it, though customs and distribution follow the same procedure. Delivery time from the factory to dealers ranges from 2-6 weeks.
Q: "Any plans to rerelease the HO scale PRR L1s Mikados?" - Isaac on Facebook
A: We currently have no plans to rerelease the PRR L1, as our focus is on new projects.
Q: "Are you planning to make 3-truck Shays in the future? I’m excited to get my 4-truck Shay!" - Kyle on Facebook
A: We’re excited too! We don’t currently have plans for 3-truck Shays, though it could be a future project. As of now, we haven’t started research or data collection on those.
Q: "How can a historical society collaborate with BLI to bring a model to market?" - Bradley on Facebook
A: Historical societies can reach out to us at info@broadway-limited.com. Include details about the project and your interest in collaboration, and it will be directed to the appropriate team.
Q: "Any plans for an N scale 2816?" - @dillon_trinh_studios on Instagram
A: Currently, no plans for 2816. Any new N scale locomotives would first be released in HO scale, and we have no plans to build 2816 in HO at this time.
Q: "For the upcoming N scale RF-16 release, any chance of a Union Pacific fantasy scheme or will you stick with the same schemes as the HO models?" - @laramie_sub_n_scale on Instagram
A: We can look into it! Fantasy paint schemes are not finalized yet, so it could be an option.
Q: "Is there another run of 2-8-0 Consolidations planned, including Stealth?" - @chase_engley on Instagram
A: We don’t have any "generic" Consolidations in progress, but we are working on a specific railroad’s Consolidation. We can’t reveal the details yet, but we think it will be popular!
Q: "Would you consider an affordable Southern Pacific P-8 Pacific or a 4-10-2? Currently, only high-end brass models are available." - @dalecherne5377 on YouTube
A: We’d love to! We have other SP steam locomotives in the works, and the P-8s are on our radar, though it may be a few years before we get to them.
I am so happy BLI is doing the CB&Q E5. I was envious N-scalers got an E5. Now BLI will make my dream come true and offer an HO scale version. Sign me up for 2!
Bernie H Reiselman
How did the first conductor club go, did you have more stealth orders than Paragon?
Ron Childs
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